BATT CABLES, computer cable, power cable, network cable, electrical cable, cable accessories, instrumentation cable, mains cable, audio cable, cable distributor, electric cable, fire cable, data cable, telephone cable, power cable, electronics cable, swa cable, mains cables, ethernet cable, patch cable, cable suppliers, cable wholesale
BATT CABLES plc is a leading UK cable supplier and cable distributor including, computer cable, electrical cable and cable accessories. From an immediate demand to an integrated Project Cable Management Package, BATT CABLES can help.
BATT CABLES has a huge and diverse stock profile supplying electric cables to many industries: Construction: building wiring, power cable, twin & earth cable, mains cables, BS5467 cable, control cable, crane cable and SWA cable Onshore & Offshore: ship wiring, boat cable, NEK 606 cable, ship cable, IEC 60092 cable, BS6883 cable, IEC 60331 cable, IEC 60332 cable and festoon cable Utilities: 33kv cable, 22kv cable, 11kv cable, bare copper cable, Drincable, bus cable, earth cable, pump cable, utility cable & triplex cable Oil & Gas: lead cable, EEMUA cable, instrument cables, BS5308 cable, EN50288 cable, thermocouple cable, high temperature cable, welding cable, coil lead cable, cable glands & UKOOA cable Fire & Safety: fire performance cable, BS6387 cable, BS7629 cable, fire alarm cable, emergency lighting cable, mineral cable, cwz cable & fire cable Telecomms coaxial cable, telephone cable, fibre optic cable, cat 6 cable, cat 7 cable, structured cabling, patch lead, BT cable, RS232 cable, CW1308 cable, ESI cable, microphone cable, & telemetry cable
All cables supplied comply with all relevant national & international standards and type approvals including British Cable, harmonised cable, IEC Cable, NEK, KEMA, ABS, Bureau Veritas, DNV, UL, CSA, RINA, UKOOA, Germanischer Lloyd, China Classification Society, NK, Korean Register, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, Transport Canada and Lloyds Register of Shipping.
Cable trays, plastic
Crimping tools
Cable glands
Cable trays, electric
Lugs, electric cable
Electric wires, insulated, for instruments
Electric wires, insulated, for marine use
Cables, paper insulated, electric
Cables, rubber insulated, electric
Cables, fireproof, electric
Cables, high temperature, insulated, electric
Cables, armoured, electric
Cables, flexible, insulated, electric
Cables, high voltage (HV), electric
Power cables, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheathed
Cables, electric, for railways
Electric cables, for instruments
Electric cables, for marine use
Cables, coaxial
Electrical test equipment, power cable
Ethernet network cable assemblies
Universal serial bus (USB) cable assemblies
Firewire cable assemblies
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Batt Cables in Erith you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Reg. Number:01353688
Company size: 1-10 employees
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